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Thursday, March 12, 2009

What's the latest, hottest topics on Google?

Ever wondered what the most searched keywords or topics are on the internet? Well you can simply go to and type in “hottest keywords” or “hottest topics” and you’ll be presented with a list of sites giving your results. Most probably, the first site will be google’s Hottrends there you’ll see an hourly update of the latest keywords being searched on the internet. You can use these keywords as topics of interest for your blogs and to drive traffic to your website. This is one method of optimizing your site for search engines. I just learned recently that if you really want to earn from your blogs, you have to have a niche topic or keyword that you can post on your blogs. Your blog has to have originality and not just a copy of other blogs. Besides, there are thousands of topics/keywords out there in the internet, why bother to copy another blogger’s content? Beside’s, google has a policy of no duplicates, where they penalize sites that contain exact copy of other blog/websites, besides getting copyright complaints from the owner of the blogs.

If you have a very interesting keyword or topic that you know will catch the attention of other netters out there, go ahead an blog about it. Who knows, you can be earning your first few hundred bucks from your ads because of your blogs.

If you’re a blogger and you don’t have ads on your site, start putting them now. Just sign-up with googleadsense and put their ads on your site. Once your site gathers a lot of traffic and your audience starts clicking on those ads, you’ll be earning your bucks in no time.


1 comment:

getpaidtotry said...

It is true that apart from getting the strategy right it is essential to do the keyword analysis properly.Because that is the word which is going to be searched on the net or Google to tap your blog.

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