Water for fuel... yes you heard it right. However let's not take this philosophically. Some people would think, how do you burn water??. Well we really do not burn the water to become fuel. Basically what is being done is to split the water into hydrogen and oxygen (or what they clain is hydrogen+hydrogen+oxygen or HHO) through an age old process called electrolysis and then use the gas (HHO) as the fuel. As we all know hydrogen is an explosive gas and oxygen is flammable... or both.. whatever. The bottomline is, the gas is what is being produced from water to be used as our energy source.
The real innovation here is not the electrolysis part itself (although it is really the main concept) but the way or method it is being implemented. Using conventional electrolysis, we use a very large amount of electric current to split the hydrogen and oxygen from water. However with the recent developments in electronics, inventors such as Stan Meyers, Daniel Dingel, and several other inventors out there has developed ways to generate/split water into HHO using only minimal electric current. The one similar thing about their processes is that they have a way of producing more HHO using their own patented methodologies. My own thoughts is that the technology behind this has been around for so many decades and it has yet to be fully harnessed if only our politics of global economy would allow it.
Behind the scenes, there has been so many attempts by several individuals to market this in the global economy but has failed due to unknown (or obvious..) reasons. One of them is our fellow Filipino, Daniel Dingel ( http://danieldingel.com/ ), who has developed his own way of generating HHO gas and using this to power his own and several other cars in his farm. He has been around poking with his HHO gadgets for almost 5 decades now, almost the same time as Stan Meyer ( http://www.waterpoweredcar.com/stanmeyer.html ). Stan was an American inventor/innovator who even went to NASA to promote his water fuel technology. Sadly, he never made it to the big league due to obvious reasons. However, so many enthusiasts and hobbyists out there (including me) has found this technology so intriguing and worthwhile that it has become an underground (not so) movement to push this technology further especially nowadays that Oil prices has skyrocketed and the economy has gone so bad.
What skeptics out there cant seem to understand is how simple (really) the process is to generate the HHO gas from a typical electronic amplifier (coupled with a tone/frequency generator) or even just a simple battery charger. I would recommend using a 12 volt power supply whose output frequency can be "tuned" for optimal HHO output. I have tested it with a simple amplifier power supply and it generates a modest HHO output. Increasing the current however tends to heat up the container so caution must be taken when testing it. An efficient design should not generate excessive or even no heat at all. Our target is to make sure all (almost) the energy used in powering up the HHO generator would be used to convert the water to HHO, thus heat will be negligible.
So again, we hope to see something similar to these HHO gadgets on the market soon, and I really mean soon if we really want our economy to get back on its feet. Let's set aside out political motives and interests and let's learn to love our country and our fellow people who are in great need in these troubled times.
God bless us all!!
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